Left-Center-Right Sub-species

Wikipedia tells me that the modern American left includes New Deal liberals, Rawlsian liberals, social democrats and civil libertarians.

Conservative classifications include fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, libertarians (who sometimes argue they are neither conservative nor liberal), and the much-maligned neoconservatives. I'm not quite sure yet where the Edmund Burke/Kirk Russell followers would fit.

It would follow, then, that Centrists will include sub-species as well. Utterly speculating here, there might be Pragmatists, Realists, Fiscally Conservative Social Moderates, Poll Reading Straddlers (a brand of politicians, not voters), Moderate Republicans and Conservative Democrats. 

I'm a Fiscally Conservative Social Moderate.  I believe I have lots of company, but I'll need some hard data to back that up. Hopefully some enterprising political scientists have conducted polls that break out these nuances.

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